Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Knowledge Exchange Forums

Discussing thermal energy solutions one subject at a time

The knowledge exchange forums are interactive meetings during which a series of subjects are presented and discussed among the participants. These sessions will not only allow engaged stakeholders to directly exchange with each-other, but also learn about the latest project breakthroughs and create a network for crowd-sourcing solutions to challenges we will eventually face throughout the development of the project. 

The basic idea is for us to meet online about once per month and discuss a given subject at a time. We start the meetings with a 15-20 minute presentation which is then followed by a discussion with the participants.

We are currently planning new meetings for 2024. Some of the subjects we will be discussing include:

  • The research behind our Sorption TES (SorTES) weekly storage solutions based on thermo chemical materials (TCM)
  • The research behind our Fractal Latent TES (FractLES) daily storage solutions based on phase changing materials (PCM).
  • How TES contributes to smart and resilient thermal energy networks
  • more...

Sign-up here to get the invitations and updates regarding the upcoming ThumbsUp knowledge exchange forums!

KEF Recordings

240926 - RES Integration

During this KEF We explored how TES can overcome the challenges of intermittency and variability associated with renewables, enhancing grid stability and maximizing the utilization of clean energy sources. 

Presenattion slides

ThumbsUp Introduction - SINNOGENES - Gradyent

231219 - Adsorption technologies

Gabriele Pernello of Sorption Technologies who explained to us how this eco-friendly cooling solution uses non-electric adsorption chillers that are powered by waste heat from 55°C, and the role they will play in the ThumbsUp TES solutions. 


20231219 Sorption technologies KEF.pdf (

240215 - Latent Storage TES (FractLES)

Adriano Sciacovelli, Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham introduced the general ThumbsUp approach to the development of this PCM based Daily TES technology.


240215 - Latent Storage TES (FractLES)

Michele Santovito, co-founder of I-TES who will present the technology behind the prototype manufacturing and testing of the FractLES solution.
